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The AI productivity app that decentralizes accountability using voice activated smart contracts. Imagine you’ve wanted to learn how to code but fear of failing and not knowing where to start has been holding you back. With Fastmind, you can speak to our AIs, over the phone, tell them what your goal is, and receive a step by step plan on how to achieve them. And, along the way, our AIs hold you accountable through regular check-ins and mentoring. Now, imagine adding another layer of motivation through community support. With Fastmind, you can raise funds for your goals from friends and family. This isn’t just about collecting money; it’s about creating a circle of people who believe in you and your aspirations. Here’s how it works: When you set a goal, like learning to code, you can invite your network to contribute financially. These contributions are securely stored in a Solana account and are only released when your sponsors agree that you've reached a milestone. This process isn't just about the financial aspect; it's a commitment from your circle, showing they're invested in your success. How are the funds released? Using the world's first smart contract that's executed over a phone call. You simply tell Fastmind the progress you made, our AIs will contact your sponsors, and if they verify you achieved your goal, the funds will be released. We've created an entirely new mechanism for interacting with the blockchain - all abstracted away behind our AIs. Fastmind is more than a productivity tool; it's a platform that leverages AI and crypto to reinforce the human connections that help us thrive and achieve personal excellence.