Watt Protocol
Watt is a volatility farming protocol that uses natural market arbitrage to generate real yield for users and foster liquidity for other projects in the ecosystem.
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1) Pitchdeck: https://www.figma.com/deck/DaTQUWvjSsl6irFr9qP2P7/Watt-Pitch-Deck?node-id=93-578&node-type=slide&t=VZigHc3XtsobyOsR-0&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=0%3A1 2) Alternative link for pitch deck: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JcUH7StEtRSLGRF7om1ELdVf-LZSi28Q/view?usp=sharing 3) Website: https://watt.si 4) App proof-of-concept: https://app.watt.si 5) See the list of user interactions available in app POC: https://docs.watt.si/app-poc-for-radar/interacting-with-app 6) Docs: https://docs.watt.si 7) Founder contact: https://t.me/wasksome
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